Take Your Place

Schools and Colleges

At neaco, we understand that your role is crucial in supporting your learners to make the right decisions for their future and ensuring they receive the best in education and information. 

You can use our website to access a wide range of information and resources to help you support students from Year 7 - Y13, adult learners and parents and carers including:-

  • Free, high quality resources for teachers and advisers to enable school-led delivery 
  • Signposting to our wider partnership provision, including activity provided by our university partners
  • CPD provision for teachers, advisers and other key influencers, facilitated through neaco partner delivery and online resources

Access our free resources, information and events

Click on each box to learn more.



Access a wide range of free resources on UCAS applications, student finance, LMI, apprenticeships and more



Find out about upcoming events such as open days, webinars and CPD opportunities.

About Us

About Us

For more information about neaco, the Uniconnect programme and the key strands of our work.

Our offer for Schools and Colleges 2024/2025

neaco facilitates free outreach opportunities for a range of schools and further education colleges across Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

Click on the three buttons below to find out more about our three strands of provision for 2023-2024: Targeted Outreach, Strategic Outreach and Attainment Raising,  and whether your school, college or students are eligible for support. 

Useful tools for our partner schools and colleges

Postcode look up tool

This tool will help you to quickly identify target postcode learners within your learner cohort and collate activity registers for engagement.

Progression framework 

Our progression framework provides a set of outcomes and accompanying resources to support student aspiration and progression between Years 9-13. The key objective is to ensure that students are able to make informed and appropriate decisions relating to their post-16 and post-18 choices.

This progression framework is designed to ensure that Higher Education Champions (HECs) working as part of the “Take Your Place” programme are supported with a consistent set of outcomes linked, where appropriate, to the Gatsby Foundation’s eight benchmarks for Good Career Guidance. A progressive approach is used to help structure provision and ensure consistent development of Information, Advice and Guidance activities.

Upcoming events

The following events are tailored towards Schools & Colleges

Student Finance England (sfe)

Student Finance England (sfe)

Student Finance England offers a microsite for those working in the education sector, providing guidance on the financial help students in England considering HE or FE can receive. The microsite contains the most recent news updates, along with guides, films and factsheets to help explain Student Finance to students, their supporters and other school staff.

University Guide Download - Unitasterdays

University Guide Download - Unitasterdays

This guide supports university guidance provided in secondary schools and college, containing over 50 articles contributed by HE staff across the UK (including Shaping Futures). On topics such as booking university events, Gatsby Benchmarks, personal statements and more.