Welcome to the Future You Programme.
To sign up to Future You, click here for the online application form.
Alternatively, please download a form to complete and return to neaco@admin.cam.ac.uk
What is Future You?
Future You is a great opportunity to discover what Higher Education could offer you in the future. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t thought about college or university – everyone is welcome!
Our FREE programme of events and activities include social events, campus visits and subject taster sessions such our astronomy and stargazing evening and creative arts workshop giving you the opportunity to explore different subjects and information and advice on progression pathways and student finance. As well as being informative, they will also be a great opportunity to make new friends and, most of all, have fun.
Our Future You programme is supported by current university students who will be with you every step of the way to help you out, answer questions about what being a university student is really like, and help you to have the best Future You experience.
You will have the opportunity to take part in a series of campus sessions at our five East Anglia universities as well as visit our partner Further Education colleges.
Who is it for?
To take part in Future You you must be in Year 9 to Year 11 and be under local authority care or a care experienced person or have a social worker, or be an unaccompanied asylum seeker in Year 9 -Year 13 (or equivalent.)
When is it?
Sessions will run throughout the academic year, either in the school day, after school or at weekends and during the school holidays. Check out the Current Events and Activities section below to find out about events and sessions we are running. Once you have signed up to the programme, we will keep in touch with you to let you know when new events are happening.
How much is it?
The activities and sessions are all completely FREE! We will also cover the cost of transport to attend the event.
Why should I sign up?
As well as being great fun, we hope that you will get to make some new friends and learn a few things along the way. You'll find out what it's like to be a student at university or college, and it will help you decide what you want to do in the future.
Future You Activities 2024-2025
Future You Welcome Event
Tuesday 29th October 10am-2.30pm
University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ
Join us on campus to start exploring your future options: Meet Student Ambassadors, have a campus tour, take part in a fun interactive skill development session and enjoy a free lunch.
Post-16 Pathways and Pizza
Tuesday 19th November 5-6.30pm
University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ
Wondering what to after Year 11? This session will help you understand and explore your options after GCSEs. Pizza included.
Sessions will also be held at University of Suffolk and Anglia Ruskin University - dates TBC.
UK Education Unlocked - WEBINAR
Tuesday 3rd December 4.30-6pm
An online session for unaccompanied minors and ESOL learners from Year 9 up to age 19.
Astronomy and Stargazing evening
Monday 16th December 5.30-7pm
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, CB3 0HA
Subject taster event.
Study Skills: Improving academic skills for GCSEs and beyond
13th January 5-7pm | Anglia Ruskin University Peterborough
28th January 4.30-6.30pm | University of East Anglia
4th February 2025 4.30-6.30pm | University of Cambridge
5th February 2025 4.30-6.30pm | University of Suffolk
Super-boost your studying and revision techniques for GCSEs and beyond - food provided! For students in Years 9-11. These study skills sessions will support your preparation for exams and introduce you to the most effective methods for revision - for both school exams and GCSEs.
“Consider Creative” Subject Taster Day
Tuesday 18th February 2025
Norwich University of the Arts and City College Norwich
Gain insight into the creative industries and the facilities and workshops at City College Norwich and Norwich University of the Arts. Take part in a series of fun interactive workshops involving fast-paced drawing, modelling and print-making. Explore why human-made art is important in the current climate of AI.
More subject taster days coming soon, across Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Understanding the Mind: A Psychology Taster Session
Monday 17th March, 4:30-6:30pm
University of East Anglia
Wondering how the mind works? Interested in studying psychology? During this session, we will give you essential information about the field of psychology, visit a state-of-the-art psychology laboratory, explore how the mind works through psychology inspired games, chat to current psychology students, and have pizza and snacks! This is a free event for students in year 9, 10 and 11.
Fun day social event
April 2025 date tbc
Location tbc
Carers and siblings invited too!
Apprenticeship workshop
May 2025 half-term date tbc
Location tbc
Learn all about apprenticeship levels, applications and life as an apprentice.
Future You Celebration event
Saturday 14th June 2025
Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge
A fun end of year celebration at University of Cambridge to recognise your achievements, have brunch in and tour a Cambridge college, help design next year’s Future You programme and lots more.
These activities will be updated throughout the year. Please check back to find out about new events.
How to contact us:
If you have any questions about the Future You programme or need help with completing the application form please contact Clare.Bradshaw@admin.cam.ac.uk
If you want to contact us about consent, data or safeguarding please contact Colin. Mather@admin.cam.ac.uk (neaco Project Lead)